Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

One thing can be said for the greater New Orleans area, we have amazing cemeteries. Happy Halloween everybody, be safe. 

Friday, October 18, 2013


This year I was lucky enough to make two "long" trips, a 1,000+ mile and a 2,000 mile trip. So I was talking to a buddy of mine and he was saying how he wasn't able to make trips like Barry and I. Wait, Did you just say “Like Barry and I?” Did you just lump my trips in the same category as Barry? That’s a big honor to say the least since last year Barry and Jen made that epic nationwide tour on their choppers. Well it really got me to thinking about perception and influence. To so many people that cross country ride was so very important. Many of us lived vicariously through the pics they posted and the periodic check-ins on the HC site. And some of us even had the privilage of riding with or hosting them in our cities when they passed through, myself included. That trip was amazing and everyone just ate it up, it was the trip that movies are quite literally made of. We all sat back in awe and daydreamed of our own trips we would take if we were only capable.
I was personally inspired to start this blog because of Barry and what he was doing. I remember thinking I wanted to inspire people like I had been inspired. I spend a lot of time riding my chop and it garners quite a bit of attention. I am always spending time talking to people about riding and building. From parking lots to stop lights people just want to talk about my bike. It’s nothing special but no one in this area is doing what I do, I’m still unique in a way, though my chop and I would probably be a dime a dozen out west.

So when my buddy lumped me in with Barry I was flattered, but it made me realize that we all have something to give. I might look at Barry and Jens 15,000 or so miles and be blown away and rightfully so, I haven’t come close to putting on those kinda miles. But I know I have blown away people in the Wal-Mart parking lot just by having the bike, regardless of how much I ride. Some people are like I was and think having a chop is a dream within a dream, unattainable. I try to let people know about back yard building and just getting out and doing it, start somewhere, with anything.

I guess what I’m trying to get at is we all bring something to the table because there is always that one guy who is one step behind you, the one guy who hasn’t had the chance yet. The one guy who has never been told “yes you can”. So start something now, spread your wings and do what you can, even if it’s not a big road trip, it doesn’t matter because you never know who your going to inspire. The beauty of the art lies in the doing and so does the inspiration, regardless of the “level”. Thanks Barry and Jen for such an epic trip, thanks to all those that inspire me and thank you to all those I have talked to at gas pumps and stop lights and in parking lots and said you were inspired. I’m grateful to be both.