Saturday, September 8, 2012


My whole life I have pretty much done what I wanted to do and have never really cared to much about what people thought about it. I have of course had my moments, I am only human, but all in all up to this point “I did it my way”  (Thanks Frank) and I have very few regrets. I remember getting my first tattoo when I was 17 making my mom cry and at 37 I just started my 11th tattoo, a ¾ sleeve in a pseudo Maori design, and she laughed to hold back the tears. She has come to accept who I am and I will always be her little boy but with each new tattoo or piercing I give her a little shock. (Though the only piercing I still wear regularly are my 4 gauge titanium nipple rings which I got at 18.)

Even though I have always wanted a family and kids (I have an amazingly hot wife and 3 awesome kids with dynamite personalities) I have never in my life wanted to be domesticated. I don’t want to do the plaid shorts and golf thing. I would rather be building something than watching football. I go to my little girl’s school events and I see so many fathers who have given up and have let their spirits die, allowing themselves to be absorbed into the collective consciousness that is the modern society of consumption. Big TV’s and bigger cars, flavored with pumpkin lattes and life divided up into sports seasons, the mundane only being broken up by the occasional glimpse of something that stokes what little flame they have left, reminding them of the old dreams that still reside deep inside them.

I guess I am writing this for a couple of reasons. The first being I know a lot of people on both sides of the spectrum, the ones who struggle to live and the ones who run free like the Mustangs of the American frontier.  The second is I hear so many people talking about life running by and I hear tons of regret. Ultimately there must be balance in life, especially when you have to raise a family and you have responsibilities but I urge everyone to live the dreams they want to live. Wars are made up of many small battles. Life is a struggle and we cannot all run free, but you can indeed have the little things, the little victories that give you your little piece of the pie. Never forget the stubborn arrogance of youth that gave you the strength to jump tall buildings in a single bound and keep trying even when you slammed yourself against the wall time and time again.

I am many things. A father, a husband, a martial arts instructor, a firefighter, a backyard builder, an artist, a writer, a dreamer, but most of all I am an achiever. Some victories are smaller than others for sure, but there is no doubt (judging by the reactions I get from people) I am doing what I want and it feels good to know I haven’t been absorbed into the system and domesticated. It starts small, get that tattoo, start that project you have always wanted to start, save for that trip you always wanted to go on. I don’t care what it is but damn it do something to stoke the fire inside, to light the way for your dreams to come true. Even if it’s just a small one, it all starts with a step. I know what it’s like to struggle for a dream, it took me 3 ½ years to build a rat bike.  I have to balance a family and multiple jobs just like everybody else, but it is possible. Live your life with no regret and do it now because we are not promised tomorrow. Now go forth and live those dreams and make shit happen.

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